Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Just Need Your Understanding

Most of my breath away... droplets of water flowing from my eyes... 

What I can do with this... Nothing gona change... I was tried... I just was dreamed; me with my family can come and pray togather in church. Most of my life as has been floated. Please... understanding me... I know that we are not a dreaming family.... But, I just want to be like the other... Down to earth, but much of love... That's what I want.... Can you understand me? I am not a hypocrite. I know that we need money. But, that's not very important.. God will blessing us... Love and your understanding... That's one my really needed... Do you know what I feel now? Do you know, I'm very broken when heared that words from your mouth... Can some one else who said that? Not you! I know this is my mistaken. But, is that my fault so bad as you get the words out like that?
Why my dream didn't become true? Now.. I can't said anymore.
"Jesus, please bless me and my family and our house hold."

Jumat, 03 September 2010

About Dream

I hope one day my mom can take me to bed, and say "have a nice dream"

1 hal yang gak akan pernah lepas dari gue, Mimpi! mimpi bawa gue ke suatu tempat yang gak jelas, ke zaman waktu yang gue gak tau itu kapan, and "something that impossible be possible".
Gue sendiri kadang bingung sama yang namanya mimpi. People says that dream'll be real in our live. Tapi gue belum pernah tuh yang namanya mimpi jadi kenyataan?
Mimpi.., menurut gue mimpi tu ada 2 jenis: Mimpi di waktu kita sadar and mimpi di waktu kita tidur. ke2 jenis mimpi itu sering gue alamin. Mimpi waktu tidur gue belakangan ini ngena banget di hati gue. Seakan mimpi itu bilang gue ini sombong and suka iri hati. "and I realized that". kejadian di mimpi seakan membuka mata gue kalo itu yang bakal terjadi kalo gue sombong and suka iri hati terus <mungkin karna gue cepet sadar makanya mimpi gue gak pernah jadi kenyataan. haha>.
Kalo mimpi waktu sadar menurut gue adalah suatu cita-cita terpendam dalam diri gue. Gue punya banyak mimpi-mimpi luar biasa (menurut gue) untuk merubah kehidupan orang-orang NTT. Of course I hope this dreams will be come true. If God willed. :)